Ежедневный Журнал

вівторок, 5 квітня 2011 р.

У вільний час.

If you’re not drawing or painting on paper, it’s a very tricky medium to work with indeed. So why do so many artists choose to do so? Most derive great pleasure from the painstaking, meticulous work required to transform an ordinary, everyday substance into something rather more spectacular. The 30 unreal paper artworks below were produced by 30 different artists, each with their own distinct style and method of approaching the medium. Prepare to be amazed by what can be produced with nothing more than a few sheets of paper and human ingenuity.

30 поробок з паперу-заняття дає змогу заповнити вільний час,творчо заповнити,і не марнувати його в інеті.

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